SSL Certificates from just £9.99 per year!

SSL Certificates
SSL Certificates are vital for securing sensitive personal data secure over the Internet, and ensuring customers feel trustworthy of your brand.
Essential SSL
- Essential website security
- Activates browser padlock
- 99%+ compatibility
- Up to 256-bit encryption
- Free installation*
- Extended validation
- Activates 'green bar'
- Secure unlimited sub-domains

Premium EV SSL
- Premium website security
- Activates browser padlock
- 99%+ compatibility
- Up to 256-bit encryption
- Free installation*
- Extended validation
- Activates 'green bar'
- Secure unlimited sub-domains

Wildcard SSL
- Premium website security
- Activates browser padlock
- 99%+ compatibility
- Up to 256-bit encryption
- Free installation*
- Extended validation
- Activates 'green bar'
- Secure unlimited sub-domains

Why do I need an SSL Certificate?
If you're taking personal details online, it is critical to keep these details secure during transportation from the user's computer to your web site. Using an SSL Certificate, it's possible to set up a secure, validated and encrypted connection between your user's computer and your web site's server. Because this connection is encrypted, it is not possible for a third party to intercept the connection over the Internet.

Frequently Asked Questions
*Free Installation
We are able to install SSL Certificates free of charge on compatible Xagga Hosting web hosting and reseller hosting accounts, or servers with cPanel. An unused dedicated IP address is essential for the use of any SSL certificate.
What is extended validation and the 'green bar'?
To the right here you can see an image of the 'green bar' in use in the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Extended Validation SSL certificates are popular because they produce this 'green bar' in most modern web browsers. Many visitors feel safer and more trustworthy of a brand that is sporting an EV SSL certificate with the 'green bar' on their site, and this extra trust often leads to increased sales.
Would a Wildcard SSL Certificate benefit me?
If your company has many sub-domains or servers, for example shop.yourdomain, blog.yourdomain, portal.yourdomain and even server.yourdomain - you could benefit from a Wildcard SSL Certificate. One purchase of £99.99 covers an unlimited amount of sub-domains, including www. mail. and any other sub-domain you like, perfect for growing companies.