WHM Control Panel feature list
The reseller control panel, otherwise known as Web Host Manager (or WHM for short), is probably the most advanced and powerful hosting control panel in the world, yet so simple and efficient to use. Within this panel, resellers are able to control all aspects of their clients' hostng services, such as creating and editing accounts & resources and providing support to their clients.
Server Configuration
Fully managed server
since reseller hosting accounts are hosted on a server which is fully managed by ourselves, you have limited access to this area in the control panel
NameServer Configuration
allows you to use your own external nameservers should you wish
Customer Contact Center
allow your clients to contact you regarding problems with their hosting
Change locales
change the language of the control panel - useful if you have foreign clients
Cluster / Remote Access
Setup Remote Access Key
use this feature to integrate billing systems (like HostBill) and purchase SSL certificates
Server Status
Server Information
see the size and speficiations of the server your accounts are hosted on
Service Status
displays the status of each of the services keeping our servers up and running
Account Information
List Accounts
view a list of all your hosting accounts wthin the reseller package
List Parked Domains
if your clients have parked domains for later use, they will be displayed here
List Subdomains
displays a list of all sub-domains your clients are hosting
List Suspended Accounts
shows a list of accounts that you have suspended (or suspended for non-payment)
Search Accounts
useful if you are searching for domains/accounts of a specific customer
View Bandwidth Usage
disaplays the bandwidth usage for each account/domain you have hosted
Account Functions
Create Account
this is where you'll add new clients and domains
Force Password Change
when clients have forgotten login passwords, reset them here
Modify Suspended Account Page
if you'd like to use a custom 'branded' account suspended page
Skeleton Directory (advanced feature)
allows you to change the default files copied upon account creation
Suspend / Unsuspend an Account
allows the suspension or unsuspension of client accounts
Terminate an Account
close a client's hosting account & erase all their data
Upgrade / Downgrade an Account
change a client hosting account to have bigger or smaller resources
Web Template Editor
easily edit default account pages & account suspended/moved pages
Add a Package
allows you to create a default resource allocation template package
Delete a Package
quickly delete a resource allocation package you've created
Edit a Package
change the resource allocations of a package you've created
DNS Functions
Add a DNS Zone
allows you to map a domain to an IP
Delete a DNS Zone
gives you the ability to erase any DNS zones you've created
Edit a DNS Zone
edit DNS zones you've created (including domains you host)
Edit a MX Entry
change where each domain's e-mail is sent to
Add a DNS Zone
allows you to map a domain to an IP
Edit Zone Templates
edit the default zones that are created automatically
Park a Domain
park a domain you've bought but haven't yet got a web site for
Reset a DNS Zone
if a DNS zone is broken or you'd like to start afresh
cPanel Features
cPanel Branding Manager
change the default cPanel theme to one with your company logo or information
Change Log
shows you what has changed or been added since the last cPanel update
Shopping Cart Reset
reset a shopping cart of a cPanel client account
Synchronize FTP Passwords
attempt to resync and repair FTP account authentication problems
SSL / TLS Features
Generate a SSL Certificate and Signing Request
set up an account for purchasing an SSL certificate
Install a SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain
allows you to install an SSL certificate to a cPanel hosting account
Manage SSL Hosts
edit and delete SSL certificates, and share an SSL certificate between clients