cPanel Control Panel feature list
All hosting accounts are powered by the cPanel control panel. cPanel is the most advanced, yet easy to use web hosting control panel on the planet. It boasts hundreds of items and features to make administering your web site(s) and e-mail accounts a doddle.
E-Mail features
Create & edit e-mail accounts
using the account manager, and also control inbox quota size
helps filter out those unwanted annoying e-mails from your inbox
Auto Responders
send back automated e-mails instantly to anyone who e-mails you
access your e-mails from any computer with internet access
forward e-mails from one account / address to another
Mailing List Manager
create a list of contacts & e-mail them all in 1 click
File Management features
Backup Wizard
backup your entire web site, e-mails & databases
File Manager
upload files from computer to web space, and vice versa
Web Disk
set up a virtual drive in Windows linking to your web space
Disk Space Usage
view your web space usage & your largest files
FTP Account Manager
create & edit FTP accounts, locations & quotas
Statistics and Logging features
Latest Visitors
see the date & time of the last 300 visitors to your site
Bandwidth Monitor
shows how much of your transfer limit you've used
an advanced feature showing graphs of your visitor stats
Error Log
ideal for debugging any errors in your scripts
Security and Protection features
Password Protect Directories
keep private parts of your site locked away from the public with a password
IP Deny Manager
block individuals (such as spammers) from accessing your web site
Hotlink Protection
helps prevent others "hotlinking" images from your site into theirs
Domain and Sub-Domain management
Subdomains Manager
create & edit sub-domains and their redirect locations
Addon Domains Manager
add additional domain names to your web space (if purchased)
Parked Domains
redirect additional domains to your main web space (if purchased)
Redirects Manager
allows the shortening of long complex links to short links
DNS Zone Editors
an advanced feature allowing you to control core aspects of your domain
Database management
MySQL Database Manager
shows all of your databases and allows you to control them
MySQL Database Wizard
allows for quick and simple creation of new MySQL databases (if purchased)
control, edit and backup your MySQL databases
Web Site tools
CGI Center
add useful features to your site like guestbooks & visit counters
Site Software Manager
one-click installer for software like Wordpress, Mambo, OSCommerce + more
Optimize Website Manager
allows you to "compress" pages so they load faster for users
Image Manager
quickly change the size & format of images on your site
Custom Error Pages
control the page people see if they hit an error or follow a dead link
Cron Jobs Manager
set up scheduled tasks (advanced feature)
Network DNS Tools
check the status & path of your web site's DNS set up for any errors